Saturday, 20 March 2010

IPG Conference

Just back from a very alcoholic event in Old Windsor. Just joking: if I'm being totally honest, there was a lot more caffeine than alcohol.

The speakers were all very good: I only raised my eyebrows once, when some chap from Magellan Consultancy Something described publishing as "a link between content and user".

I met a few old friends and made some new acquaintances. At dinner I sat by Bill McCreadie of Aurum and the legendary Peter Mayer, and was regaled by a number of stories and anecdotes, such as when Bill was almost killed by shelvesful of books falling on him at Peter's Meyer's stand a few years ago. That's the weight of knowledge for you.

During the author's speech at the end of the night (I was told it was some Geordie children writer, David Almond – unfortunately I didn't understand a word he said), I saw most of the delegates' heads nodding off, although there were a few shrill laughs from the front rows. The author must have been travelling with his family.

Not because there was plenty of food or drink, I assure you.



  1. 4 days after the conference 'some Geordie children writer' won the Hans Christian Andersen Award, the world's most prestigious award for authors of children's books.


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