Monday, 3 August 2009

Apes (of God) - Part Two

Further to my post of last Tuesday, I am delighted to report yet another glorious day in the history of British publishing. John Blake has announced "a last-minute addition" to their October schedule, the spoof memoir of the late King of Pop's chimp, entitled Bubbles: My Secret Diary from Swaziland to Neverland.

If you want to follow the war of tongues between the snobs who accuse John Blake of being not entirely motivated by unmercenary considerations and the anti-snob party, who defend John Blake for championing books that people actually want to buy, unlike most other backwards-looking publishers, read the story and – above all – the comments on The Bookseller.

I told Elisabetta about this book as we were walking home, and she crumpled with laughter and almost fell over. She couldn't believe I had not made it up.

I wonder who has written or will write the book – some ghost-chimp? For a human being, to ape a monkey's thought processes must surely be a sign of some genius.

I look forward to reading the book.


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