Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Net Book Disagreement

Thanks for all your messages and comments, a couple of which I published – it's comforting to know there are so many people out there in support of a revival of the NBA, or at least a discussion about it. I'll meet Clive Bradley next week, and I'll let be guided by him on whether a new campaign for the NBA – or something similar – can be revived. There was an interesting article in the Bookseller today. If you have not seen it, here's a link:


I'll be having lunch with John Calder tomorrow and Thursday, and then again on Monday with Christopher Maclehose (I'll ask him what he thinks about this), and I am hoping to come up with some ideas and a strategy of action. All this news of cuts and job losses should be a wake up call not just for small independents but also for chains and conglomerates.


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