Sunday, 5 April 2009

Ionesco's Rhinoceros most popular play of the year in Iran

MNA report that, with 25,674 tickets sold for 43 performances, Ionesco's Rhinoceros is the most popular play of the year in Iran. You can read the whole article here, where you'll also find details about the second most popular play and least popular play in Iran. Enlightening.

We are planning to issue a new edition of Ionesco's Complete Plays next year, in two big fat volumes, and as I mentioned in one of my recent blogs, Ionesco is the next author on my reading list. Coincidentally, Tom McCarthy told me the other day that Ionesco's only novel, The Hermit, was a great influence on his Remainder. So I'll try to have a look at that one too.



  1. If only I had known that before I started translating Remainder. Guess I'll have to revise it yet again, having read Hermit first.


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