Friday, 3 April 2009

The Queen doesn't find Berlusconi funny

Well, who does?

The Queen, apparently, showed signs of mild, cool, English irritation when Mr Bee(g) shouted at the top of his voice: "Mr Obbbama-a". She turned round, rolled her eyes and – oh! – was caught on camera.

Have they ever polled how popular B. is with Italian expatriates? He is no more popular than teflon B was in England three years ago and Gordon B is now. Il Berlusca lost an election a few years ago because he was reckoning on pizza and mandolino votes from Italian emigrants in UK, US and Australia. How badly did he read that.

If I am here, it's partly thanks to Berlusconi. I am a Berlusconi exile.

And I am toasting to his painful death tonight.



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