Saturday, 16 May 2009

Hungarian talent 2

Following on Thursday's post – it's good to see Tibor's latest book, Good to Be God, reviewed positively by Nick Lezard in the Guardian Paperback of the Week column. There is also a nice mention of it in The Times Paperback section. The book is currently in promotion nationwide, and selling very well despite the crisis so, if you have not yet read it, go out and fetch a copy, PLEASE.

If you are too lazy or penniless and still want to read it, all right, I'll send a free hardback copy to the first two Bloggerel readers who will send me an email (using "info" followed by @ followed by "" or "") with the heading "TIBOR".

Also following on Thursday's post, I received two separate requests – from two of our authors it must be said – to try and locate the Dickens letter mentioned therein. Obviously they suspect I made it up. I can understand that: it's too good and exemplary to be true. But I swear the story – at least the Tim Waterstone's part of it, i.e. his telling me the story – is genuine. I'll ask Tim to provide further details, and hopefully – if the letter does exist and is in the public domain – I'll reproduce it on this blog verbatim.

If I was the victim of a hoax from the founder of the biggest bookselling chain in the country, I hope I'll be excused.


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