Friday, 8 May 2009

Murdoch Me...

"The current days of the Internet are over," Rupert Murdoch has said in The Guardian article News Corp will charge for newspaper websites. While it's true that the Wall St Journal has been doing well, it makes me wonder whether less specialized newspapers are also likely to in the current climate, and how they will manage to time the switch – if they make it – to paid content with other competitors. I do believe that we are in a transitional phase of the Internet (I'm sure it'll be known as a 'Golden Age', rather like the 'Golden Age of Piracy' of the 18th century) – either quality journals will die out or they will start charging for content. We already have a glut of cheap, advert-driven, rapidly churned-out tat which seems to fulfil a certain portion of society's needs, but whether newspapers can convince enough people that it's actually worth paying for well-researched and intelligent news any more is another matter...

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