Saturday, 28 February 2009

Robert Menasse

If you are not too plastered and fancy a bit of international literature, please come along tomorrow to Robert Menasse's talk at the Jewish Book Week events tomorrow at 12:30. He is the author of a saucy book called Don Juan de la Mancha, whose first sentence is:

"I first came to understand the beauty and wisdom of celibacy when Christa, after rubbing chilli pods between her hands, masturbated me and then expressed the wish that I – to put it in her own words – should f*** her up her a***."

It gets dirtier later on, and it's a lot of fun.

At 2:00pm Paul Verhaeghen, the acclaimed author of Omega Minor and the recipient of the 2008 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, will be in conversation with Boyd Tonkin.

These are just the very partial highlights of an incredibly interesting programme.

I hope to see you there.


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